Every year me and my mum spend Christmas at my nan and grandads(my mums mum and dad) house. We'll stay at home on Christmas eve, wake up at our house open our presents there and then we go to their house. This year its all abit different though, we're still going to my nans house, but my dads mum is going to be joining us too. My mum and dad are not together anymore, but I think it's so nice that my mums mum and dad still get on with my dads mum. wow that was a abit confusing lol.
To help that make sense, basically my dads mum and dad moved to Spain a couple of years ago but then a few things happened (would rather keep this private) and it caused them to get a divorce. So my grandad moved back to England but my nan decided she still wanted to live in Spain, so she stayed. So my grandad will spend Christmas with my dad and uncle etc so my nan's gonna spend it with me, my mum and our side of the family.
If i'm honest i'm just so excited to see everyone open their presents that i've got them. I went a bit crazy this year, but it will all be worth it. I love spoiling people and i find christmas shopping so fun! I managed to get all mine done in November so i'm one the few that is not running around like a headless chicken trying to buy last minute presents haha! I should have saved my presents to show you all to give you a few idea's but they're all wrapped under the tree now. sorry dolls!
Hope you all enjoy your sunday!
Lots of love xxx
Isn't giving gifts so much fun! hope you have a happy holiday :)
Aw thank you. You too xx